[Python][LeetCode] 167. Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted
class Solution:
def twoSum(self, numbers: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
# At first, two pointer is used for making 'O(n^2)'(if using two for loof...) to 'O(N)'
# This is line for normal setting of 'two pointer'.
# I think that's just convention when you solve this kind of problem.
i, j =0, len(numbers)-1
# only using 'while loof' of O(N) is much better than using 'adding conditional statesment in that while loof for checking'
# we just need to moving two pointers until finding target.
while numbers[i] + numbers[j] != target:
s = numbers[i] + numbers[j]
# That's just typical condition for checking all the elements
# of the list.
if s > target:
# By that we can move 'i' index and 'j' index.
j -= 1
i += 1
return [i + 1 , j + 1]
1.At first, two pointer is used for making ‘O(n^2)’(if using two for loop…) to ‘O(N)’.
i, j =0, len(numbers)-1
This is line for normal setting of ‘two pointer’. I think that’s just convention when you solve this kind of problem.
- That’s just typical condition for checking all the elements of the list. By that, we can move ‘i’ index and ‘j’ index.
while numbers[i] + numbers[j] != target: s = numbers[i] + numbers[j] if s > target: j -= 1 else: i += 1